
Study In California Event

  • 03 November 2023
  • 07:30 PM IST
  • Zoom
Event Details

EduAmerica organized a Study in California event, held exclusively on Zoom on November 3rd. As the event organizers, we facilitated direct engagement with representatives from six prestigious California universities, including San Jose State University, California State University Northridge, University of California Riverside, San Francisco State University, and more.

The universites curated a comprehensive showcase, providing valuable insights into the diverse programs, specializations, and academic strengths. Participants actively engaged in discussions about post-graduation career prospects, focusing on how these universities harmonized with their professional goals.

This event went beyond a mere information session; it was an immersive experience featuring a Q&A session. Participants had the chance to pose questions directly to the experts, gaining clarity on any uncertainties.

Moreover, attendees capitalized on the opportunity to network with fellow students, university representatives, and EduAmerica experts, fostering connections vital for their academic and professional journey. EduAmerica also shared exclusive insights to navigate the intricacies of international education, covering application processes, scholarships, and more. Those who joined us didn't miss out on this invaluable chance to shape their future—they registered and allowed EduAmerica to guide them through the educational possibilities that California has to offer.