
Steps to US Admissions: A Blueprint for the Application Process

  • 25 November 2023
  • 06:00 PM IST
  • Zoom
Priyasha Chadha
Priyasha Chadha

Senior Admissions Consultant

Taranpreet Chadha
Taranpreet Chadha

Senior Admissions Consultant

Sagar Madan
Sagar Madan

General Manager

Event Details

EduAmerica hosted its highly anticipated webinar, "Steps to US Admissions: A Blueprint for the Application Process." The comprehensive session featured esteemed counselors and mentors who provided invaluable guidance on key aspects of the US admissions process.

Participants gained insights into university selection, understood the essential components of a compelling application, and explored post-degree job outcomes. Our experts also addressed vital aspects of managing finances during the academic journey and demystified the US student visa process.

In addition to this information, participants had the exclusive opportunity to apply with application fee waivers, facilitating a smoother and more accessible path to higher education. We hope those who attended equipped themselves with the necessary knowledge and tools for a successful US admissions journey.